Qu'est-ce que the great suspender firefox ?

The Great Suspender is a popular browser extension specifically for Google Chrome, not Firefox. It helps improve browser performance by automatically suspending or unloading idle tabs to reduce memory usage. When you have numerous tabs opened in your browser, each one consumes system resources even if they are not actively being used. This can lead to a sluggish and memory-heavy browsing experience.

The Great Suspender tackles this problem by suspending tabs that are not actively in use. It intelligently determines which tabs to suspend based on your browsing activity. When a tab gets suspended, it releases the memory it was consuming and converts it into a placeholder icon, which you can click to reload the tab whenever you want to view its contents again.

By suspending inactive tabs, The Great Suspender helps to free up system resources, speed up your browsing, and reduce the strain on your computer's memory. This makes it especially useful for users who tend to keep a large number of tabs open for reference or multitasking.

It is worth noting that The Great Suspender received some controversy in early 2021 when a developer of the extension sold it to an unknown buyer who introduced malicious code in an update. This attracted privacy concerns as there were reports of the extension attempting to access passwords and personal data. As a result, it was removed from the Chrome Web Store, and users were advised to uninstall the extension if they had it installed.

Regarding Firefox, there is no official version of The Great Suspender available for this browser. However, there are similar tab management extensions available for Firefox, such as "Tab Suspender" or "Auto Tab Discard," which offer similar functionalities to suspend inactive tabs and improve performance.